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Image by Yogendra Singh

Anger Management

Control Your Emotional Outburst With Active Anger Management

Anger is a regular human emotion that is not necessarily negative but can be harmful when triggered by or causes underlying mental health issues. It can last for a long time, significantly impacting relationships, studies, work and general well-being. At Another Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy Service, I offer Anger management counselling and therapy that strives to understand the root of your anger, what triggers your response and find a healthy way to address your feelings. 


People generally look for anger management counselling after experiencing an uncontrollable emotional outburst. It could be by showing their emotions through aggressive behaviour or turning their anger inward against themselves with annoyance and self-attacks. 

It becomes necessary for you to know when to seek help by observing your responses related to situations happening in your life, including changes and if your anger is co-occurring with trauma or anxiety. I offer counselling and therapy in Greater Manchester, West Midland, Yorkshire and the Humber. 

What is anger management?

Anger management refers to recognising, understanding, and controlling your anger to express it appropriately. It involves learning how to communicate your feelings healthily and constructively rather than allowing your emotions to control your behaviour, resulting in negative behaviours, harm and loss.


At Another Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy Service, I offer anger management therapy and techniques helpful for people who experience anger issues regularly or have occasional outbursts. Sometimes, it entails exploring your thoughts to correctly respond to underlying unmet needs that may have developed in childhood. Or develop new learning to re-regulate the weakened parasympathetic neural responses underlying anxiety and traumatic experiences.

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Angry man, Anger trigers,Anger Management. Counselling near me. Another Hope Counselling Leeds

Dealing with anger can become very complicated as -

Anger tends to negatively affect your physical and mental health, career, and relationships. When you are angry, your body goes into fight or flight mode, releasing adrenaline and cortisol, influencing memory.

Anger can trigger a range of physical symptoms, like increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and muscle tension. With time, chronic anger can lead to a weakened immune system, digestive issues and other health issues. 


Behaviour symptoms of anger -

  • Shouting

  • Infuriated reactions

  • Raising your voice

  • Having arguments 

  • Hitting out or heightened aggressive behaviour

  • Aggressive body posture 

  • Moving towards the source of anger




Various cognitive symptoms of anger -

  • Feeling easily temperamental and regretful

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Having difficulty focusing or concentrating

  • Finding it difficult to manage your thoughts

  • Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others

  • Ruminating, catastrophising and magnifying situation which all triggers anger

  • Micro or passive-aggressive behaviour

It might feel like your anger is getting out of hand. To feel more in control, you can be introduced to coping strategies. As a therapist, I draw upon Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and other therapies to address anger. This approach helps you learn how to explore and make sense of your thinking patterns, behaviour, and responses and how to create positive changes to these. 

Managing anger is a critical skill that would help steer you towards a healthier and happier life. I can help you reduce anger’s harmful effects that stress your physical and mental health and relationships.  

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